Dry needling a modern acupuncture method for fibromyalgia
Fatigue condition is very difficult to handle for people who have fibromyalgia.
It is observed that people with extreme condition of fibromyalgia have seen good response towards the pain symptoms after using dry needling technique.
As technology is advancing day to day, there are many techniques available to treat problems with fibromyalgia.
Most of these techniques are natural techniques that includes therapies and other kind of natural treatment.
These treatments are either for temporary relief or a permanent solution for their problem.
People have reported that they have seen a cure after using such therapies for a longer period of time.
Considering all these factors people choose natural methods available for treating fibromyalgia and dry needling therapy is very good and efficient among them.
With the ideas from the modern technology, this method is widely used in treating problems with pain and fatigue conditions.
In this method the trigger points in the body is identified and a dry needle is inserted in the trigger points.
This therapy is effective when there is a widespread pain in a particular area. With the help of dry needle therapy one can easily get a relief from the pain after continuous efforts.
This is a part of ancient Chinese medicine and this is carried out by experts known as acupuncturists.
This type of treatment varies from one person to another person based on the need and condition of the patient.
The knowledge from modern research is also used to determine the type of treatment that will be required and carried out accordingly.
There is still a long way to go as there are many research works happening in this modern era to explore more about the western medicinal significance of dry needling technique.
Benefits of dry needling therapy
Dry needling therapy is widely used by the physiotherapists and acupuncture treatment experts to treat various conditions in the body.
It is not the case that it can be used only to reduce the weight or to reduce the pain in a particular part of the body. But it has lots of other significance as well.
Some of the problems for which dry needling is provided as a treatment are:
- Shoulder pathologies
- Muscle and nerve cramps
- Continuous headaches
- Too much of weight gain
- Fibromyalgia symptoms
- Thyroid symptoms
- Some Heart diseases
Before you undergo a dry needling therapy it is ideal to visit your doctor to gather more details about this.
Though it is very effective, dry needling therapy is not suitable for all the patients.
There are some exceptional cases whose body show rejections to dry needling therapy due to other complications in their body.
Dry needling therapy plays a major role in reducing the pain in the body. That is the main reason why people prefer dry needling therapy over other treatments that are available.
One of the easiest and natural way of treating the problems in the body is with the help of therapies and exercises.
Most of the physiotherapists prescribe dry needling therapy and electro acupuncture that are closely associated with the traditional acupuncture.
The one big difference is that the modern methods have good advancements with the help of technologies compared to that of the traditional methods.
Dry needling therapy for widespread pain
Patients with fibromyalgia condition experience wide spread pain very common. They find it difficult to handle when they are involved in any of the day to day activity.
Finding a cure for fibromyalgia is difficult as there are many researches going on. But it is very easy to keep the condition under control with the help of various natural methods.
One such treatment is the dry needling therapy. For most of the people it provides a temporary relief but it is really useful in treating continuous widespread pain.
Experts say that with the help of dry needling therapy one can easily reduce the pain experienced in one particular part of the body with the help of needle insertion.
Trigger point is identified by the experts and that is where the insertion is done.
This trigger point is highly significant in dry needling therapy as it has connection with various other parts of the body.
There are several such trigger points all over the body that can help in regulating sensitivity in the body.
It is important to find the right trigger point. The experts handle the right trigger point properly by wearing gloves in their hands.
In order to keep the treatment simple and effective, it is important to know more before starting the treatment.
That is why this technique is handled by experts who already have good experience in dry needling therapy.
Pain in the body is also associated with muscle injury can happen due to various reasons, one such reason is too much strain to some muscles in the body.
These can be easily treated with the help of dry needling therapy. It is highly necessary that you should be doing it only with the reputed practitioner. It is not the case that anyone can do such therapies.
Make use of dry needling therapy for fibromyalgia problems
People can easily find a solution if they try out dry needling therapy. If they have consistent problems due to fibromyalgia, this dry needling therapy can be used to get a good relief from their problems easily.
In order to improve the range of motion in the body and increase the blood flow and energy flow in the body, the trigger points are identified and treated with the help of dry needling therapy.
It is said that Chi flow in the body is highly responsible for staying energetic.
If a particular organ or a part of the body is giving some problems to you, it is said that Chi flow in that particular part of the body is highly interrupted.
With the help of acupuncture therapy the chi flow can be easily regulated thus giving a great relief from the problems that a person has.
Some people may also experience continuous pain in a particular area of the body. Due to this pain their mobility will also get affected.
In that case if dry needling therapy is used, it helps in smooth transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body.
I think this is a wonderful method to help with symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. After learning more about it in this article it seems like it could really benefit someone with fibromyalgia and doesn’t require them to put a lot of potentially harmful drugs into their body.