Association of fibromyalgia with glandular fever
Living with fibromyalgia becomes very challenging sometimes. Even though you would be caring a lot about your condition and implementing all the relevant measures that one should have to, but still, its flare-ups.
Fibromyalgia is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. It’s a common musculoskeletal condition, causing pain and stiffness in your body.
When your brain processes the pain signals in an indefinite way, then, you would feel pain in different sites of the body.
This condition is referred as fibromyalgia. However, it is also associated with several other diseases, which is hardly diagnosed.
When symptoms become more and more worst, you would report to the doctor and get your medical tests done immediately. Other than fibromyalgia, the worsening of the symptoms could be due to infectious disease, you shouldn’t dismiss the signs and symptoms.
In recent researches, it is suggested that certain infections are contributing to the development of the fibromyalgia.
Including hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Epstein bar virus, CMV, and mononucleosis are the infections that can cause the fibromyalgia.
Do you know what glandular fever is?
Around 3 million cases of glandular fever are reported by every year in the US.
Glandular fever is also known as the kissing disease and it causes fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and glands, and sore throat. Epstein bar virus (EBV) is the main culprit behind causing the glandular fever.
Epstein bar virus infection during the teenage years or even in early adulthood can cause the development of glandular fever later on. Due to this reason, most of the affected individuals are aged 15 to 25.
Undoubtedly, EBV is contagious. Because EBV is commonly found in the mucus and saliva, it can be transmitted to another person easily. While kissing, coughing or sneezing, the infection can spread.
In fact, using cutlery and crockery can also let the transmission of the virus to the non-infected person.
Does fibromyalgia occur due to glandular fever?
Yes! The symptoms of the glandular fever are somehow similar to the chronic fatigue syndrome.
Secondly, if you’ve experienced the infection in early childhood, your immune system may develop the immunity against the infection but failed to recognize this virus when it hits you again in teenage or early adulthood.
This doubles your risk. Within two to three months, the glandular fever may resolve over but as a side effect, you get the bouts of fibromyalgia.
What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia associated with the glandular fever?
If you’re observing the non-itchy skin rash, then, it could be the sign of glandular fever. If it is occurring with jaundice, tonsillitis, malaise, and nausea, don’t waste your time anymore and get the medical help right away!
Loss of appetite and swelling around the eyes are other symptoms that you shouldn’t dismiss. If you’re experiencing muscle spasm or muscle cramps more frequently, it means that fibro is flaring up.
Extremely low energy levels and high fatigue episodes would be more problematic for you as well. You would feel pain in your shoulders, neck, and hips.
Difficulty sleeping, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, headache, anxiety, and depression are other symptoms indicating about the fibromyalgia associated with glandular fever.
So, be careful and instead of taking the over-the-counter medicines, prefer the expert’s opinion.
Are you at risk of fibromyalgia associated with glandular fever?
Those who have compromised immunity are at greater risk of getting the fibro plus glandular fever.
In fact, any metabolic disorder including diabetes and thyroid also contributes to the development of glandular fever and fibro.
Because immunity can be lowered down while taking the steroids, you should notice any abnormal sign more carefully.
What to do when this condition affects you?
Doctors often recommend the bed rest and then, gradually returning to the normal activities. Avoid all the strenuous exercises, including jumping and heavy lifting because it can cause sleep rupture.
Take the sips of water or fresh juices after every two hours so that your body won’t be water deficient. For alleviating the sore throat, gargling is the best option.
Avoid aspirin as well. Why? Intake of aspirin can develop the Reye Syndrome (inflammation of brain and liver).
Hence, it would be better to not to take aspirin while combating with the fibromyalgia associated with glandular fever.
What are the major complications?
Due to weakened immune system, you’re more predisposed to pneumonia, heart infections or even meningitis.
A ruptured spleen is also reported. Prolonged fatigue is also common after glandular fever plus fibromyalgia.
What can I do at home?
Though you can implement the above listed measures, along with them, try to include the following tricks as well. Not only, you would feel better, yet, the recovery rate would be more progressive.
1- Breathing technique
Whenever you feel too low, get onto the mat and get some fresh air in your body. Close your eyes and then, inhale and exhale slowly. The benefit of breathing is your mind is de-stressed and your pain will vanish.
2- Check your diet
Instead of taking big meals, try to take the small nutritious meals. Soups are also the best way but avoid creams and other additional preservatives too. Avoid sugar as well, because sugar consumption can reduce the lymphocyte activity.
Just replace sugar with raw honey. Drink fresh juices as much as you can especially if the liver is affected. Eat the fruits and vegetables rich in zinc and vitamin C.
3- Gentle stretch is okay
Yes, gentle stretching is fine enough, if you’re literally a fitness freak. Stretching will also increase the blood supply and make new blood cells as well, helping in fast recovery.
Perhaps, it is unclear yet that rather the fibromyalgia associated with the glandular fever lasts longer or not.
What you can do to prevent this condition is stay away from the person infected with the fibromyalgia associated with the glandular fever.
Use the infected person’s cutlery or crockery after washing them. Just remember prevention is better than cure. So, who you want to be a sufferer or preventer?
This is the first time I am knowing about glandular fever. what upsetting about it is the fact that it is contagious and can easily be passed on to others
I’m shocked that glandular fever can be associated with so many other conditions, including fibromyalgia, CMV, Reye Syndrome, and so many others.
It seems to me that most of us just chalk everything up to the flu and don’t pay too much attention to our bodies. I’m starting to think I shouldn’t put off going to the doctor so much, as some of these symptoms could point to an underlying condition that’s much stronger.
Scary that fibromyalgia is associated with glandular fever! It’s upsetting because it’s so easy to spread, and it feels like fibromyalgia should just be genetic (but I didn’t know much about it until I found this site!). Thanks for the info — didn’t realize that avoiding aspirin would be a good thing.
Previously suspecting this condition, taking measure recently into my own hands, going to an osteopath with good results it is the middle of the night. Well, 6 am.
I was n bed not being able to sleep AGAIN and thought I wonder if my so-called condition could be linked to the glandular fever I had years ago.
So I did a google search; links between Fibromyalgia and Glandular fever, hence here I am,
YES, I certainly have it, after all this time going to see my GP, ENT consultants at the hospital who found nothing wrong, then eventually agreed it was possibly neurological.
Seems like a case of eliminating so many things which they should have know, makes me realize how much money is wasted in the NHS.