How can you get rid of insomnia associated with fibromyalgia?
Experiencing trouble sleeping due to the fibromyalgia? Well, difficulty in sleeping is the most common complain reported by the fibromyalgia patients.
Though, sleep problem isn’t an individual issue that you would face, in fact, extreme pain and stiffness would be another contributing factor letting you awake all the night.
It is also reported that regardless, how long sleep you take, the sleep is usually restless and bizarre. For the people living with fibromyalgia, the sleep is often accompanied with the pain and this combination act as a two-edged sword; if the pain is at peak, you won’t get the sufficient sleep and if the sleep deprivation is constant, it exacerbates your pain.
Hence, poor quality of sleep can trigger your pain and stiffness and make your life even more complicated. Perhaps, less the disturbed sleep, less the flare-ups.
Besides with the psychological distress, tiredness, pain, and irritable bowel syndrome, sleep disturbances is also a core characteristic of the fibromyalgia.
In fact, multiple studies have been conducted and it has been clear that if you improve the disturbed sleep, the daytime symptoms of the fibromyalgia can also be alleviated.
So, now you would know that how much important role does sleep is playing in making your condition worse or better.
What sleep problems are most common in fibromyalgia?
Fibro people combat with insomnia more than any other sleep disorder. Also, you would have difficulty falling asleep or you may wake up many times in a night.
Multiple awakenings interrupt your sleep and you may not get into the each phase of sleep. As you’re not getting the deep, full sleep, you would be exhausted and lethargic when you wake up in the morning.
Restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea are also associated with the fibromyalgia. Even, people with fibromyalgia prefer daytime sleep due to the recurrent episodes of insomnia.
And somehow, this tactic helps them to reduce the fatigue as well. This is actually a wrong concept! Fibro fog is also linked with the disturbed or insufficient sleep at night, due to which you won’t concentrate on what you are doing.
However, all the symptoms of the fibromyalgia are interconnected with each other. If you’re depressed or experienced anxiety attacks, your eyes won’t shut down at night to get the slumber.
Though, medications can help you to fall asleep, but, it doesn’t mean that you should just swallow the medicines all the time. It would be good to find out the best ideas that will help you to get enough sleep at night.
What are the ways to eliminate insomnia from your life?
Establishing the better sleep routine can be a big help to manage your fibromyalgia symptoms. Remember, if your sleep quality and pattern are corrected, you won’t experience the worsening of symptoms.
However, you can consult with your doctor for the sleeping pill, but make sure that you won’t get addicted to a certain drug.
Here are the following strategies that would surely help you to get at least 6 hours sleep at night.
Take sleep as much as you need
Sometimes you may fall asleep for more than 6 hours and this oversleeping become a big trouble for you. Spending long times in bed could make your sleep shallow and fragmented. So, avoid oversleeping to manage your fibro symptoms.
Make the sleepy environment
Dim lights, quiet surroundings, and drew curtains are all the measures promoting the deep sleep. If you keep lights or television on, your mind may not encourage the good sleep. So, make sure that your environment is making you fall asleep.
Stay away from the gadgets
When you go for sleeping, just keep all your gadgets aside. Because blue light from the gadgets interferes with your sleep cycle and let you awake for long hours, it’s better to switch off your cell phone, tablet or even laptop.
In fact, the incorrect position which you attain while using it can trigger the painful spots in your body and cause the pain and stiffness.
So, if you’re staying away from the gadgets, you’re preventing many painful consequences of fibromyalgia. Perhaps, gadgets are not a bad thing, but use it to ease your life, not for making your life more terrible.
Try relaxation therapies
Stressed mind can also impair the sleep. If your mind is relaxed, you would get the restful sleep. Try deep breathing at least three to four times in a day.
A gentle massage would be more promising for your overall health. Mindful yoga is another idea to release toxins out of the body. Hence, these are beneficial techniques to manage fibromyalgia and plenty of slumber.
Avoid daytime naps
Yes! You won’t even imagine that how daytime naps can be detrimental for you, especially if you’re combating with the fibromyalgia. If you’re habitual of taking more daytime naps, you’re more likely to become a night owl. So, if you really want to sleep at night, just avoid daytime naps!
Keep your sleep diary well-maintained
By keeping the track record of how much you slept and what triggers have disturbed your sleep, you can have a rough idea about the interruptions and sleep problems. So, maintain your sleep diary from today!
Follow exercise regimen strictly
Exercise is the excellent medicine of every disease. Similarly, to improve the sleep quality, exercise is a best idea. Because several happy hormones and endorphins are released while exercising, you would surely get better nighttime sleep.
Check your hunger pangs
Fibromyalgia patients may have also increased appetite level and this favors in nighttime awakenings. So, munch the carbohydrates while going on a bed to keep hunger pangs controlled.
Don’t drink caffeine at night
Caffeine is the mind-activator and its affects can last for several hours, which could resist you to get into slumber. Avoid bedtime caffeine as much as you can!
If you take little measures to improve the sleep quality, you would get the huge difference on the fibro flare ups. Get enough sleep to prevent fibromyalgia complications and flare-ups!
Coffee has been known as a factor that scares sleep away so patients should ignore also made mention of relaxing with massage…massage can go a long way in relieving stress and inducing sleep so to me, daily massage should be adopted